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YO's Membership

Joined Nov. 8, 2023

YO's Medals:

Coffee (uncommon)
Human Being (uncommon)
ae (infrequent)
Arrow (common)
Graduate (rare)
Cash Money (common)
Thing (infrequent)
No-Medal (common)
Film (common)
Fishbowl (rare)
Cash Money (common)
Human Being (uncommon)
KILL IT WITH FIRE (superinfrequent)
Mystical Portal (common)
Compass (uncommon)
MasterCard (common)
Coffee (uncommon)
Gopher is showing you a piece of paper (common)
Graduate (rare)

Ranking: Berrylium

(veteran account)


LD Master
Rat Award
Coolkid Award
Silver Award

Basic Information:

Age: $#$!%^%$#@#$%^%$#%&%$#@$%^^%$#@QWETYUJKHGFDFG<>MNBV... y/o
Gender: Male
Country of Residence: America

About YO:

" I like nuggs "

YO's Intrests:

" Soccer, basketball, football. "


21,352 Elo - S Tier