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Dukem's Bunker
Games * Fortran * JavaScripts * Fun



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  "Lookie here! It's RuneScape in your browser!"

RuneScape is a massive 3D multiplayer adventure, with monsters to kill, quests to complete, and treasure to win. You control your own character who will improve and become more powerful the more you play.
Play 2004scape
RS2 Beta
Try the new version of RuneScape!
Play 2001scape
Play RS
Play RuneScape via OpenRSC!

  "Come and play Oldenburg, a text-based RPG!"

Oldenburg is a 2 part series of games based on a world of gnomes and knights, and a realm of mysterious monsters. Try different game modes and adventures in Oldenburg I, and try to finish every zone and get buffed with powers in Oldenburg II.
Play Oldenburg I
Play Oldenburg I
Play the first version of Oldenburg!
Play Oldenburg II
Play Oldenburg II
Play the second version of Oldenburg!

Featured Games:

Featured Goodies:
Message Filter Bypasser
Test Your Clicking Speed
Vlad the AI

Featured Programming Stuff:
Play with a Rubik's Cube
Windows 98 Emulator
Game Development Resources

Newest Members:
xabarallo - veteran, male, snail BFF
tmonk76 - veteran, male, snail friend
egad - veteran, male, snail hater

Newest Updates:
20-Feb-2025 - Upgraded the sidebar
19-Feb-2025 - Added a .beat time widget
17-Feb-2025 - Added a Web-IRC (alphatest)

In memory of Matt "K-Dubzz" Kalamas
© 1998-2025 Qnetworkz Assoc. - Credits

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