v1.1.1 :)
a virtual world for artificial intelligence
  click for new animation

AI.Planet is a virtual world for artificial intelligence.  The environment has water, land, suns, moons, and atmosphere.  Plants, animals, fish, and insects can be added to create a dynamic ecosystem.  Clouds, rain, wind, lightning, rivers, and icebergs naturally arise from the sun and other influences.  You can explore your planet from outer space, by walking around, by tracking creatures, or by controlling a robot that interacts with objects. Artificial Planet is an OpenSource project built with GLScene.


Basic Planet

Natural Iceberg



Learning Turtles

Meteor Shower

Land and Air Animals


Jungle planet

Object Viewers

River with bugs




Sun Explosion

Alot of people ask what the point of Artificial Planet is/was.

Here are some of the interesting things that resulted back when it was created:

Simulated Microevolution

This program may have been one of the first to simulate a physical advantage in an evolving artificial life via "natural" selection.  While this claim is bold, it is easily repeatable, and consider the straightforward evidence: 

An "evolving tree", that drops fruit, which then turns into a seed to create new trees, contains a rudimentary DNA code.  This DNA code contains basic information such as color and "stickiness", with each value randomly altered slightly each generation.  While the color only provides a possible selection pressure from the user, the stickiness can cause evolution from direct virtual environment selection pressure.  This happened because the initial fruit states were "bouncy", and this was advantageous to make the fruits bounce farther and create a forest faster.  However near a mountain, or a steep incline, the bouncy fruit would not take hold, and the trees could not grow on a hilltop (without birds) or side of a hill.  With the evolution of the stickiness "gene", a new tree that grew sticky fruits eventually evolved and created two separate "species" of trees: one that thrived on open terrain and one that thrived on the tops of the mountains.  If the color "gene" is tied to the stickiness "gene", the user can visually see that there are two distinct tree types thriving on the planet.

Furthermore, ladybugs would rapidly evolve into two "species": ones that float and ones that sank, from a DNA buoyancy "gene" value.  The evolving trees also had this gene. Therefore the ladybugs would breed in two groups: the ones that floated eating the floating fruits, and ones that sank that ate the sinking fruits. It is unclear and doubtful that any symbiotic relationships formed between the trees and ladybugs as a result, however, if a tree type with certain types of fruits died out, the ladybug breed would also die out. In other words, if the floating fruit trees died, the floating ladybugs died, and if the sinking fruit trees died, the sinking ladybugs died.

Indirect Benefits of Symbiotic Relationships

The trees and birds would form a "symbiotic relationship", benefiting each other.  The relationship was heavily one-sided towards the benefit of the trees, however.  While the birds obviously benefited from the fruit of the trees, there was an indirect benefit to the trees.  Birds would carry the fruit of the trees over top of nearby uninhabited islands, and drop the seed of the trees onto the island, thus expanding the trees' domain.  This also eventually results in the expansion in the population of birds, because there are more trees providing more fruit (food).  This is considered unplanned because it was not an explicit design of the code. The birds are not programmed to distribute the seeds of the trees, it is an indirect effect of their flight behavior.

- David Kerr

Donations Needed

If you want a bug fixed, please donate! 

This project needs donations! 

Donation List, 2002-2007:

  • 2006 - Margaret Hodges, $20.00
  • 2007 - Peter Raines, $15.00
  • Total = $35.00
  • Thank you! :) The donations are all listed in Canadian dollars.
  • Special thanks to Tom Barbalet for all his support in many ways.


  • If you want a bug fixed, you will have to donate, or fix it...
  • Ai.planet ran great for two years but no one donated. When the latest graphics cards began causing problems, I tried my best to fix it, still no donations or help for another two years. Now everyone complains that it doesn't run on their computer... the solution: donate!  I simply cant spend my time on this project unless you support it.  -Dave
UPDATE: February 2007

Artificial Planet 1.1.1 patch was compiled recently.  It contains the old JEDI code with new GLScene code.  This allows it to run on new computers with GLScene without crashing from the new JEDI.  To install, download, unzip, and replace the main aiplanet.exe file.  You can also get the full release.  Hope it runs well!  There are still some issues, like the About form, or editing DNA while running, that seem to cause lock ups.

A sequel is in the works, one that is bolder and simpler.  It promises to be a radical  improvement on the first version, with the focus on the development of a special new artificial consciousness design.  A new engine has been built for it.  While AI.Planet has become popular for end users, it is quite a feat to maintain and change.  Therefore the next evolution will be leaner and meaner, with some cool features you might not expect.  Stay tuned!  :)

Interview with aiplanet creator on biota.org!

Fix: This was posted on FacePunch:

Wont run?  Try this:

1. Go to the program's main folder. (Should be "C:\Program files\ai.planet")
2. Locate the executable file named "aiplanet.exe"
3. Right click "aiplanet.exe" and select options.
4. In options select the compatibly tab, and run the program as if it was Windows 98 (or 95).


System Requirements:

Development Environment:

Development Tools:


Related Projects:



Original site; this is just a mirror